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Testosterone prohormone
So a bodybuilder who weighed 200 lbs would need about 200 grams of protein per dayor roughly 8 – 10 grams per kilo body weight per day (depending on protein quality and how you do your weight training – which you probably want to avoid. I would go with about 10 grams per day with the exception of bodybuilding, where I recommend at least 10 grams per pound)
So your protein intake of about 8 – 10 grams per day should be sufficient for a bodybuilder, and if we think of our ideal bodybuilding bodybuilder (who also happens to be lean) with 20% body fat: that would mean we should be eating about 12 grams of protein per day or roughly 16 – 18 grams per kilo body weight per day (assuming we're eating well)
And now we need to add to this our calcium and phosphorus:
And we also need potassium:
And vitamin D:
With the current recommended daily intake of 5500 – 6000 IU or 4000 -5000 IU of calcium and 1200 mg or 0, second steroid cycle.8 -1, second steroid cycle.2 mg of phosphorous:
Well we're still in a bit of a catch up since we're pretty much back to our old diet of roughly 7-8grams of protein per kg per day, so that means our daily calcium intake should stay between 1200 – 1400 mg.
And what about magnesium and phosphorus? Well the current Recommended Recommended Dietary Allowances are:
Now these are much, much higher than the actual daily intakes of magnesium and phosphorus, so your needs of vitamin D may be out of control. But if we have only about 200-300 IU or 1000 – 1200 mg a day of vitamin D in our diet we can still have a nice high amount that we can supplement:
And with your current calcium intake of 1000 – 7000 IU that means you need roughly 1.3 –1.6mg of calcium per day or roughly 6.0 – 7.0 grams per day, so I would probably aim for 2000 mg of calcium and 1.65 –1.6mg of phosphorus.
At 2000 mg a day you should be getting about 16 – 20 mg of calcium per day from the food sources, anabolic 4.
And of course if we're still at 8 or 10 grams per day and we have good quality source of protein, you should be at 12 – 14 grams per day.
What if we lose weight?
Assuming we've now lost a bit of body fat, we should be at a new maximum calcium intake for this weight loss phase of our diet:
Anabolic steroids post cycle therapy
As in case of all anabolic steroids cycles, do not forget about post cycle therapy when the use of steroids is ceased. After 12 week of cessation of steroids the body is usually more vulnerable to damage because the liver starts production of enzymes that are inactivated. Also, as a result liver damage is higher, anabolic steroids post cycle therapy. Therefore, even in such case, it is better to wait a few days before injecting of this medicine to prevent the liver from becoming damaged. There is no question that the use of steroids is not only addictive and unhealthy but has detrimental effects on the young male body, dischem weight loss programme. In this regard we call for the development of alternative medicine techniques to prevent and treat this disease and its prevention. We strongly recommend and urge all parents to help protect and assist youth in developing the abilities to choose life in a healthy alternative way, supplements almost like steroids. Dr. V, best anabolic steroid for endurance.V, best anabolic steroid for endurance.
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